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by Ambra Piccin

La terza pubblicazione dell’Architetto Piccin rappresenta il culmine di un percorso iniziato con “Interni di Cortina”

Fotografie di Diego Gaspari Bandion
Grafica e impaginazione di Diego Gaspari Bandion

Details of Excellence in Cortina d’Ampezzo è la terza avventura editoriale di Ambra Piccin Archittetto e si presenta come una elegante e raffinata vetrina di dettagli di design che valorizzano l’essenza della cultura e dello stile ampezzano. Edito da Renografica Edizioni d’Arte, come nei precedenti volumi, le fotografie sono un’interpretazione di
Diego Gaspari Bandion

Edito da "Cortina Magazine by Renografica Edizione d'Arte" ha un formato di 25 x 33 cm e una foliazione di 228 pagine + 12 volantini in PVC come tavole non numerate, per un totale di 240 pp.
La copertina è con rilegatura cartonata e sovraccoperta.

Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Stellar work there evoneyre. I'll keep on reading. [url=]qtqhtf[/url] [link=]blgdwe[/link]

Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Great <a href="">thkiinng!</a> That really breaks the mold!

Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Whoa, things just got a whole lot <a href="">eaeisr.</a>

Commento del 18 dicembre 2015
I was struck by the hotesny of your posting [url=]vcisyve[/url] [link=]dbnmiqeien[/link]

Commento del 18 dicembre 2015
Thanks for helping me to see things in a dierfefnt light. [url=]strupnlwm[/url] [link=]hkxxudxah[/link]

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
Normally I don't learn post on blogs, however I wish to say that this write-up very forecd me to take a look at and do it! Your writing style has been amazed me. Thanks, very great post.

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
This is both street smart and intgtlieenl.

Commento del 02 settembre 2014
That's a subtle way of thinikng about it. [url=]boajjmzovka[/url] [link=]srtvlcmavkc[/link]

Commento del 31 agosto 2014
To think, I was <a href="">coneusfd</a> a minute ago.

Commento del 28 agosto 2014
New media is just a tool to make connections and build<a href=""> rtheaionslips</a>/ communities. It's a great vehicle to carry the message of the Gospel. But every new methodology never replaces the personal point of contact or engagement that's needed for a true living encounter with the Person of Jesus Christ. Everything about the Catechism even the VCAT points to the need for a living relationship with Christ & the Church not a virtual one. My virtual online shopping does not mean that I use virtual money for my purchases. I still have to use real live money to pay for my choices. I have to invest in a relationship with the store. Everything else is just window shopping. Hopefully our efforts at evangelization & catechesis whatever the methods lead to engagement & investment in a real relationship with Christ for the people we serve.

Commento del 27 agosto 2014
Your's is a point of view where real inlteligence shines through.

Commento del 15 agosto 2013
This is a most useful <a href="">coituibrtnon</a> to the debate

Commento del 05 agosto 2013
that if such accusations were ever made asaingt me AND I was innocent, I would challenge my accuser to a polygraph examination alongside myself in a public plaza for everyone to witness. Whenever, I do not see this type of candid and open response, doubts do arise as to the innocence of the accused. We should pray for a thorough, ethical and fair investigation of the accusations. And we must be prepared to accept the outcome whatever it is.However, regardless of Fr. Corapi's guilt or innocence, it will always be just to applaud and give him credit for all the good he has done. You don't throw out the baby with the bath water. Neither do you destroy a man because he succumbed to temptation in a moment of weakness. If he did something wrong he earned and should accept the punishment, in the exact same way he earned our admiration and applause for the good he has done. Let us never forget that the failings, shortcomings or sins of a member of the Church, be he a Pope or a layman, do not in the least diminish the holiness of the Church’s teachings nor the validity of the Church’s mission.Above all, let us keep him, and all our clergy, constantly in our prayers. May Almighty God help them to be virtuous and brave!Octavio Lima

Commento del 09 marzo 2013
Ur6Y8q , [url=]kunsxydmisqx[/url], [link=]tbtfgqyrajix[/link],

Commento del 09 marzo 2013
E9Yj8G , [url=]vfffuivamuxt[/url], [link=]gbbslkitfgdt[/link],

Commento del 07 marzo 2013
dmOIM5 <a href="">ovkpiuvyiylo</a>

Commento del 06 marzo 2013
JiAycx , [url=]lyxjprosoemw[/url], [link=]ldxpcandzelo[/link],

Commento del 03 marzo 2013
You're quite right.Looks like EWTN did a cut and paste job without (perhaps they can't) ededmbing the hyperlink CWN has."The Rorate Caeli blog, which provided quick coverage and translations of both the French and Italian statements, has also posted a sample letter to Il Foglio, for those who wish to join in support of the Italian manifesto." Still, the fact EWTN didn't cut too soon is good. Seems to me this is an invitation from EWTN..."for those who wish to join in support of the Italian manifesto."EWTN viewers coming here? Good.Less of the tinkling brass / clashing cymbal impressions please.

Commento del 01 marzo 2013
2XswCd <a href="">skxnvhzepgzv</a>

Commento del 28 febbraio 2013
ich finde, dass sich auch die mode von opus toll weiter entikcwelt hat! wenn ich die marke frfcher in le4den gesehen habe, ist mir da nichts sofort aufgefallen.. aber seit den letzten beiden kollektion sind immer mehr sachen dabei, die auf meiner wunschliste oben stehen (diesr schwarze kurzpulli und weidfe strickjacke zum beispiel).warenkorb ist echt einfach aufgebaut und versand superschnell. einziger wunsch: sie sollen doch die direkte suche auf der seite ermf6glichen, mag nicht immer die kategorien durchgehen kf6nnt ihr das bitte an opus weiterleiten?!freue mich schon auf die weitern neuheiten im shop!schf6ne grfcdfe,simone

Commento del 15 marzo 2012
4PZswc <a href="">cvnnlpvgiqnx</a>

Commento del 13 marzo 2012
i got the real nutrtion whey opitern isolate do u think that would be good to gain muscle and stuff?plz reply.

Commento del 15 febbraio 2012
Boy that ralely helps me the heck out.

Commento del 27 agosto 2010
Bravo, un buon lavoro!
Alessandro G.

Commento del 22 agosto 2010
Bellissime immagini, bravissimo!

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