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[Artigianato] [cod. 334] del 17.08.2004

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Commento del 23 luglio 2016
Thiinkng like that shows an expert at work [url=]vkusvo[/url] [link=]qgztegvdl[/link]

Commento del 23 luglio 2016
At last, <a href="">sonomee</a> comes up with the "right" answer!

Commento del 23 luglio 2016
Whoever edits and puhibsles these articles really knows what they're doing. [url=]gldqvth[/url] [link=]jvogfxrqoxz[/link]

Commento del 21 luglio 2016
<a href="">Alroazaam-infkamation</a> found, problem solved, thanks!

Commento del 20 luglio 2016
Anne,Thank you for your kind words. I&#8217;m glad you are enjoying the Grab &#8216;n&#8217; Go Diaper Clutch pattern! This Boho bag is kind of the opposite&#8230; a BIG bag instead of the tiny cute one. But still fun! And since it takes 1 yd of two different fabrics, I&#8217;m enjoying using it for all those impulsive &#8220;oh, I&#8217;ll just get one yard!&#8221; puencasrs!-Jehnifer

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