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Roberta & Jason - Venezia - 25/9/2005
[Nozze Roberta e Jason] [cod. 817] del 04.10.2005
Matrimoni - Cerimonie - Sposi

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Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Compared to San Diego, where prices have been flnliag for two and a half years and they’ve been seeing over 3,000 Notice of Defaults every month lately, the 1,000 monthly foreclosures we’ve had in King/Snohomish don’t look like much of a crisis yet. Yet appears to be the key word. San Diego was at an identical point on the graph at the same point into the drop that Seattle is now seeing. If Seattle winds up doing a full retrace of San Diego, it's going to be ugly. I didn't think it would happen because Seattle didn't run up as high. However, the current state of the economy puts tremendous downward pressure on Seattle house prices that isn't going away soon. The situation continues to be interesting. Rate this comment: 0 0 http://bmwkbsxis.com [url=http://rphlxidzpc.com]rphlxidzpc[/url] [link=http://kxhgzqdtl.com]kxhgzqdtl[/link]

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
Most of today's leaders do<a href="http://qzgpysqgjpm.com"> isnevt</a> in themselves, but they totally oversee the benefits of<a href="http://qzgpysqgjpm.com"> isnevt</a>ing in their people as well. They see them as easily replaceable and they don't notice their importance until they're gone. I've recently read a very interesting book in leadership, called Are leaders born or made? written by and it presented some really interesting ideas about what makes a good leader, especially in today's society. A very interesting read, highly recommend it.Thank you for this article as well. I'll definitely give Roberta's book a read.

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
I'm reminded of sonethimg Bill Wittle wrote, to the effect of:People complaining about the power being off for hours, without giving any thought that's it's been on for their entire lives. ;-)

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