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Roberta & Jason - Venezia - 25/9/2005
[Nozze Roberta e Jason] [cod. 807] del 28.09.2005
Matrimoni - Cerimonie - Sposi

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Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
Why do you want to spend so much money on new furniture or spend the <a href="">halsse</a> of painting the furniture? Are you going to buy new furniture or repaint the furniture every time you change your comforter? You should buy the comforter to match your furniture and not the furniture to match your comforter.

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
Forehead on the floor in supplication, I ask a boon of you.Please make the wheles of the little brown truck 'o happiness spin like a windmill in a tempest, to speed up my latest purchase of ammo and new grips for the model 29.(note to self)Next time, remember to supplicate further away from the cat pan! ;)

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