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[Nicoletta e Luca] [cod. 7397] del 28.12.2009

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Commento del 02 aprile 2013
NxWQzI <a href="http://dzhxihrptzof.com/">dzhxihrptzof</a>

Commento del 01 aprile 2013
Wow! And it looks great too! Somehow 1 or 2 did not make it across glad we were able to do a rush-rush to get them to you. REBarCamp was a HUGE suscces and tremendous Kudos to everyone that participated, especially Andy Kaufman, Brad Coy and Todd Carpenter for organizing the event (hope we didn't miss anyone out). A big Thank You must also go to Daniel Rothamel aka The Striped Crusader, for helping us with the creation of these cards by using his super powers to expedite what was a Hurculean task at such short notice. We are already looking forward to the next BarCamp.

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