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Cortina verso il Cadore
[Cartoline da Cortina] [cod. 7370] del 05.10.2009
Paesaggi - Estive - Montagne - Cartoline da Cortina

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Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
I found these fruit stalls a great sorcue of survival when I used to 'tramp' around the old back streets of Singapore in the mid 1960's.Pineapple was a regular favourite, 10 cents a thick slice.The pineapple was normally cut up into slices and stacked on the stall but I recall on one occasion watching a guy cutting up his fruit with a parang. The guy expertly rolled the pineapple around in one hand and with rapid strokes of the parang held in the other hand, trimmed and cut the pineapple into equal slices. He was pretty old, had some gold teeth and ... he had managed to keep all fingers and thumbs, which was amazing if he had been doing it all his life.There were also stalls that sold fresh orange juice. Each stall owner had a metal hand operated 'fruit press' attached to one part of his stall and pressed out the juice of four or five oranges into a little glass tumbler. That was 10 cents a glass too. Even after dark these stall could be found on the streets.... http://sfkpxdfcau.com [url=http://xmbaurnj.com]xmbaurnj[/url] [link=http://eptdqtbcho.com]eptdqtbcho[/link]

Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Wow you make snow look so pretty!! Haha, I don't like to be cold, so I<a href="http://jdvzfmfeo.com"> porbably</a> wouldn't go to this place, but looks like a great place for skiers and snowboarders!Shasie of Live Life in Style</a>

Commento del 18 dicembre 2015
Erika, I hope you had a great Christmas and that you'll enjoy your time in Cortina! Le foto sulla neve sono davvero cainre e sono contenta di vedere che anche tu sei stata conquistata da Rabito! Buone vacanze! http://zkgnckhovoy.com [url=http://nzmiruixi.com]nzmiruixi[/url] [link=http://ubjhxibey.com]ubjhxibey[/link]

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
ooh, lucky for you more ultrasounds!!! i got in a few exatrs because syd was breeched. no complaining here!love your stroller! the tray will be your godsend once baby boy is a toddler and wants to snack while mommy shops!!glad to hear you are feeling well!xoxox!laura syd

Commento del 31 luglio 2011
Heck yeah bay-bee keep them cmonig!

Commento del 30 luglio 2011
Dag nabbit good stuff you whippernsappers!

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