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C94W8525 © D G Bandion
[Sport] [cod. 7376] del 05.10.2009
Paesaggi - Montagne - Inverno - Neve - Scialpinismo

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Commento del 14 agosto 2012
x8kVSy <a href="http://redmnffraoal.com/">redmnffraoal</a>

Commento del 12 agosto 2012
[Comment ID #300 Will Be Quoted Here]how can i run `apt-get update` if there's no itrnenet connection? that seems moot isn't it?but i've found a way to update the pkg lists in a non-connected box, you need to get someone (with an updated ubuntu box with the same specs as yours) and ask him to send you a tarball of /var/lib/apt/lists, copy that to your non-connected box, and _then_ you can do this tutorial :)

Commento del 31 luglio 2011
It's spooky how cleevr some ppl are. Thanks!

Commento del 31 luglio 2011
My hat is off to your astute commnad over this topic-bravo!

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