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Šizar - Schützen
[Folklore e tradizioni ] [cod. 160] del 28.07.2004
Folklore - Persone - Tradizioni - Costumi tradizionali - Feste - Ritratti - Gente

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Commento del 15 agosto 2013
Wowza, problem solved like it never <a href="">happneed.</a>

Commento del 13 agosto 2013
Reviews don't come much better than that! I've <a href="">wahtced</a> the movie three times and right away ordered the DVD and the CD. Pay-per-view provided me with the movie, so I could rewind and listen to the beautiful music time after time after time. Then I went on a frantic search for the CD. What a gift to have such a voice, Marideth. The first time I saw you singing in the movie, I wanted to be in that room so badly! Wishing you all the best.

Commento del 05 agosto 2013
For those who don't know what a diwata is, a Diwata is a myicalogthol figure somewhat like fairies and elves . They live at the foot of an acacia or balete tree. If you treat their surroundings with respect, they give you blessings. If you don't, then they curse you with an illness so, tabi-tabi po!

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