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[Folklore e tradizioni ] [cod. 161] del 28.07.2004
Folklore - Persone - Tradizioni - Costumi tradizionali - Feste - Sfilata

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Commento del 02 aprile 2013
jSjDlD <a href="">qvntsxqnjity</a>

Commento del 02 aprile 2013
dear Roy, What happened to you? I hope you are ok by now. The pettry Rowan tree looks very similar to the flame tree in Taiwan. The flame tree is a very nice tree to provide shade for people and is also very beautiful when it start blossom at around late June. Here when people see the trees start blossom then they will think about the time of parting, especially for the graduate students. Because by the end of June they will graduate from school and separated each other. my parents yard has a huge flame tree, quite often the formosan blue magpie come and build big nest on very top of the tree to breed their baby birds. it is really nice to have them around.

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