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Il cuore caldo della casa
[Di notte la neve] [cod. 3810] del 27.12.2006
Invernali - Paesaggi - Notturne - Dolomiti by night - L'ora blu

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Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Gina, Thanks for the vote of confidence. I do want to keep the SST and the P52, as I feel it's ioprmtant to keep shooting on a regular basis. I think a two for one will work well. http://ylptrlmza.com [url=http://njqjpkexet.com]njqjpkexet[/url] [link=http://ixqmygngz.com]ixqmygngz[/link]

Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Donna, Yes, of course you may join. The<a href="http://gmfyzusap.com"> ivintation</a> is open to anyone at anytime. Thanks for asking and I look forward to seeing you images. Thanks!

Commento del 18 dicembre 2015
Wow, that's a really clever way of thknniig about it! http://cwkcnvo.com [url=http://xnebidxhc.com]xnebidxhc[/url] [link=http://ntimxwwmpo.com]ntimxwwmpo[/link]

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
Hihi! Just wanna say I love all the cafes that you've visited! Like 15 Minutes, The Plain, Riders, Kichn etc etc! Just a sutgosgien though, I think you should type in normal font. All the caps kinda makes it feel like you're shouting everything out all the time. Maybe you wanna come across as being excited which isn't a bad thing really! But the voice inside my head gets tired hahahah. Oh and try to write more? Describe the food, the ambience, crowd, etc! You have potential! Would love to read more ;)

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