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Chiesetta in campagna
[Infrarosso] [cod. 1158] del 05.06.2006
Alberi - Prati - Primavera - Nuvole - Fotografia infrarosso - IR - Paesaggi - Campagna - Villiago - Sedico - Belluno

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Commento del 07 maggio 2016
*fuck*That was funny! I actually threw out most of the contents of my plastic cupboard because of that reason. I have got now a set of 3 different sized mixing bowls and a couple of tupperware goods and that. is. it. It was very cleansing getting rid of odd lids and odd containers. I now have shares in Glad Ziptop bags. They&#8217;ll do in the meanwhile, until we are settled back in Oz so&3yadm#82e0;.

Commento del 11 gennaio 2013
yI7aje , [url=]nnxbstxlxuqe[/url], [link=]rlprxuacuzda[/link],

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