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Portovenere - Cinque Terre: tra sacro e profano
[Portovenere - Cinque Terre] [cod. 3324] del 19.07.2006
Paesaggi - Liguria - Progetti - 5 Terre

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Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
- Love the photo of the shoes! It reminds me of a<a href="http://livazf.com"> fiernd</a> (the groom) who when kneeling at the alter, his "friends" had unknowingly put "HELP ME" on the soles of his shoes I like "I DO" much better:)July 30, 2011 5:15 pm

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
Holy guacamole Tara!!!!!!!!!!What a juofyl surprise you have given me tonight!And I love this photograph of Italian laundry, the lace curtains and soccer shirts- obviously a colored load then the whites.You Tara, are the human presence of gratitude in our midst. Your relationship with your son and how your mother him, your art work and the way you share it, your steps to support so many others by shining your beaming light on us all is such an act of love from a woman with all the markings of a Goddess.Thank you Tara.I am honored to be mentioned here.All my love,Suzi

Commento del 26 luglio 2006
questa è la mia preferita!
cmq complimenti per tutte


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