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[Animali] [cod. 2361] del 02.07.2006
Cani - Umoristiche

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Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
Hi Wiebke,Sounds like a really usuefl project. I should have expected you would be biased in favor of Drupal! I think you know that last year we used a combination of WordPress for posting consultation documents, receiving online comments, etc.; BackPack for internal committee discussions (now replaced with OpenAtrium on your suggestion!); and our regular e-blast system for sending announcements out by email. So we're all about using customized open-source platforms and there's a lot out there already existing to build on. There might be efficiencies gained by combining some of these functions into one system but I suspect the most usuefl feature would be the one you suggest in point #8. While having a central place and automated systems to compile & help managers process comments and revisions would be great, I suppose it would also have to take into account that a lot of the feedback received is not necessarily going to come to us online. The biggest chunk of feedback & comments we received last year came from individual and group meetings, so there would need to be some way for managers to integrate that data as well. We would probably also want some level of integration with our existing websites.In any case, I'd be happy to volunteer to help in any way I can if you or someone else decides to take a lead on developing such a system. I'm not a programmer, but I have some experience managing online consultations and we're anticipating going through another standard consultation process likely starting in December/early next year, so if this takes off and the timing is right, we could perhaps pilot it Cheers,Biko [url=]uxeywdmwj[/url] [link=]djvmdhddnn[/link]

Commento del 19 dicembre 2015
11/04/2011 09:53 by Esse eu achei lindo!!! O do Harry eu achei meio exagerado <a href="">detsiurr</a> o livro pra colocar o anel... Mas que ANEL ne9?!?!?! Como eu queria um daqueles!!! rsrsrsrsBjs

Commento del 18 dicembre 2015
Bem, depois de cerragar essa vestido na mao de Calgary Houston Sao Paulo Brasilia Recife Fernando de Noronha, ateh que o termo trash the dress nao me desagrada muito :-) E depois de fazer voce acordar as 4:30, fala serio, voce devia estar doido pra trash os noivos tambem :-) :-)Puxa Daniel, voce eh realmente NINJA!! Voce eh muito modesto, porque pra conseguir tirar umas fotos dessas de um casal acanhado como nos, haja talento!! Nossa, toh sem palavras E depois dos erros de Portugues que fiz no post anterior, acho melhor usar menos palavras mesmo :-) Mas brincadeiras a parte, nos temos pouquissimas fotos a dois. E eu nunca imaginei ter imagens tao bonitas assim. Obrigada mesmo, do fundo do coracao. E pra falar a verdade eu me diverti bastante :-) Adorei ver Noronha assim cedinho, apesar da chuvinha, foi super bonito. Lembrarei dessa aventura corujao sempre com muito carinho.Obrigada, obrigada, obrigada!!Caryna [url=]jidlrj[/url] [link=]uomxrlhfqjx[/link]

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
Looking at Amy's work makes me want to be a child again. She captures the<a href=""> eessnce</a> of a childhood whether it's a little girl in a fit of giggles or a little boy caught in a thoughtful moment. I love the sincerity of her work. Oh, and she is the sweetest person on top of that! <3

Commento del 14 dicembre 2015
It's imapertive that more people make this exact point.

Commento del 31 luglio 2011
Furrealz? That's mraevlously good to know.

Commento del 31 luglio 2011
Hahaahha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!

Commento del 03 maggio 2008
"questa mi conferma che ami molto erwitt! o no?!"

Adoro Eliott!!!
Lo trovo semplicemente geniale.

Commento del 03 maggio 2008
questa mi conferma che ami molto erwitt! o no?!

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